K&N Filter mounting mod on my #MGB

When tuning the carbs on the car you are supposed to lift the piston by 1/32″ (0.75mm) using the lifting pin. Afraid my fingers are not sensitive enough to tell when the pin is touching the piston and by how much it is lifting!

The only way i can tell how far the piston is lifting is by removing the filters and looking at the pistons move.

BUT afterwards the K&N Filter assemblies can be very awkward to put together trying to align all the long bolts.

After several sessions of carburettor tuning where i needed to remove the filters i decided to modify the assembly using stud bar I bought from eBay.

I think the pictures are self explanatory but the job is now a lot simpler and I think looks better with the domed fixing nuts.

Also got some matching domed nuts for the alloy rocker cover.